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Shed your Layers

A Wild Woman Retreat

"My mission is to help women to take back the leadership over their own life and own happiness. To find their inner power and unlock their potential. To step away from the paved road onto the winding path of the deep forest of her heart.

Sister, You are capable of so much more than you can imagine now. " Margo Awanata


Shed your Layers and rise



I want to invite you to a 2 Day journey into a deep remembering of who you are and grand empowerment of the wild woman within you.


Can you feel it? 

A deep desire to live a fierce, heart-centered life without the need for the approval of anybody. 


Within every woman there is a WILD WOMAN. Raw, unpolished, wild, free, sacred and intuitive. 

This primal power is waiting to be released and celebrated.




This Wild Woman Retreat is all about Shedding your Layers.

Peel away your insecurity until you find yourself naked in the embrace of nature and from that vulnerability, we will embrace our beauty and power in the safety of Sisterhood.


It will be a retreat for the courageous women who are ready to transform the way they judge and look at themselves. For the women who are ready to look their fears in the eye and unleash the Goddess they always were. For the woman who is fed up with the negative image she thinks she sees in the mirror and ready to transform it to self-love.


This is a chance to co-create an experience that will be

a gift to build on.


A retreat to our most divine belly feeling, our spiritual source, and our physical temple; exploring our inner knowing and dancing with bare feet on the sacred ground of Mother Earth

Feel Welcome and join this beautiful opportunity!

Day 1: Unwind and Shed your Layers


During day 1 will step into a strong and safe embrace of sisterhood. We will unwind and open up. . 

We will shed layers and relax into the power of vulnerability.


* Sacred feminine practices 

* Coming home into our body

* Sacred Ritual

* Strength and vulnerability 

* Dance* Sacred sharing circle
And so much more


Day 2: Show up and step into your power


During day 2 will work with the power of presence. We will unleash the warrior within and remember who we are underneath all the layers we have shed.


* Sacred feminine practices 

*Coming home into our power

* Sacred Ritual

* Unleash and rise

* Dance

* Sacred sharing circle

And so much more




Ellen Aranya

Margo is awesome at what she does. She creates a safe, loving place where transformations are happening. As a qualified therapist myself, I am very impressed. She is very knowledgeable and attuned . Margo is an authentic awesome woman, whom I feel very blessed to know. 

Margo is a life changer! She´s one of the most honest, warmhearted and 

most authentic person I know. I feel so blessed that our paths have crossed. 

My life is a spiral and every time when I reach out my hand when I´m on my way 

and need someone, I know Margo will be there and hold it. She brought me to my truth. 

Step by step. Deeper and deeper. She brought me to my essence – pure love!"

Carmin Karasic

"Margo travels the world changing lives, touching souls, sharing love, and deeply moving us. Sisters, she is a divine Goddess. And Dear Sisters, she can awaken the Goddess in all of us!"

Anja Kromer



When: 11-12 July

Where: Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands

Time: Saturday from 11:00 - 21:00 and Sunday from 10:00 - 16:00

Investment : 277,-


We stay on the Sacred grounds of Innerpeace. A beautiful sanctuary near the beach and the dunes. For the past 20 years this has been a place of Priestesses and Shamanic teachings and you feel that. It really is temple grounds. 
On Innerpeace we go back to basic. We pump water from the ground for showers and sleep in tents (If you want to stay in one of the caravans that are there please let me know).  Of all the places around the world that I have worked with my groups, this is the most amazing and sacred accommodation and I can not wait to welcome you there. 

Our Lunch is potluck based, this means we all bring something to share. There is magic in sharing food and it connects us.

Dinner is included. 


There is only place for 10 sisters. 





Margo is a mentor who is not afraid to go into the shadows with you. She enters into a deep connection with the women with whom she works and lets them feel that in the safe space that she offers they can really go into the depths where transformations can take place. She manages to take everyone to a higher level while she is firmly on the earth with both her legs.


Margo is like the loving earth mother who cherishes and feeds and at the same time shakes off all false beliefs and excuses.  She brings her teachings with humor and depth.

Margo is an excellent role model and empowering guide, a priestess with extensive experience in Tantra, Shamanism, Dance medicine and many other paths.
She has been offering her work since 2002 and worked with over 1000 women worldwide.

She is an expert in creating a sacred space where all participants feel safe in their strength and vulnerability.  She guides women outside their comfort zone where they can grow and remember themselves. 

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